Tag Archives: MFM

How Hot Is… ‘Blackmail: Who’s The Boss’

How hot is… ‘Blackmail: Who’s The Boss’?

by Ann Johns

reviewed by Reed James


51-g7ayeDWL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-v3-big,TopRight,0,-55_SX278_SY278_PIkin4,BottomRight,1,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_Lisa Cooper is a bored housewife who loves porn. Her sex life is so vanilla and she longs to have hot, steamy sex with multiple guys, but her husband is so boring. So one day browsing the internet, she finds a sight that rates MILF’s. So she snaps a few, clothed photos of herself to the site and is thrilled at the response.

She’s hot.

But when one man emails her claiming to know her and threatening to reveal all to her husband, she plays it off, but when her husband comes home from work, feeling a little randy, and coerces a blowjob from her, leaving Lisa horny and frustrated, she sends her new admire more explicit emails. And that’s when the blackmail starts.

Hoping to get away with just a handjob, Lisa goes to the motel and there she discovers just who is blackmailing her and she decides that she is finally going to fulfill all her fantasies as she realizes that she has all the power in the scene. The sex is hot and amazing, going from reflectance on Lisa to full on diving in. Ann writing puts you in the scene as Lisa stops being passive and seizes what she has always wanted!

I give it 4.5 MILF websites! At $1.99, ‘Blackmail: Who’s the Boss’ will lure your eReader to a sexy afternoon.

Available from Amazon and Smashwords. And check out Ann’s Amazon Author Page and Smashwords Author Page to see her catalog of steamy erotica, like her on facebook, and follow her on twitter @AnnJohns2005.

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