My Early (terrible) Erotica

So, there was a recent post where erotica authors were talking about how they started. I started writing erotica in Junior High and continued on into High School. It’s terrible stuff. I still have a lot of the erotica I wrote in High School (my junior high stuff was written on notepads and destroyed in the 90s).  I wrote erotica because I liked writing and I liked reading erotica. As a fan of Fantasy, most of my erotica combined some sort of supernatural or paranormal elements.

So, at the request of PK Kaye, here is Dragon Saga, a terrible erotica story I wrote in the 90s. This is unedited. This is how I foudn it on my hard drive. I haven’t looked at this in seventeen or more years. Please do not judge me for how terrible this is:

Dragon Saga

Chapter 1

A youth, around the age of sixteen, walked lightly down the dirt road, whistling a tune. He was tall and skinny, with brown hair and eyes. His clothing were those of the simple peasant, loose fitting pants and linen shirt, with worn, muddy boots made of deer hide. In one hand he held a wooden pole with a string attached to one end and in the other hand was a wooden pail filled with three, shiny fish. The road he walked upon cut between fields covered in sea of golden wheat, growing up to six feet, with large heads which he could barely see over.

He kept walking, his legs moved even faster as he approached a small lane that branched off the main road to the right, disappearing into the sea of wheat. He turned into it and started to skip, unable to wait and here his mother praise his fish, his father congratulate him. He smiled and started to run now. Then he stopped in astonishment.

Although he could not see his house, he could see a huge plum of oily smoke rising from where his house was. Dropping the fish and pole, he tore down the path, trying to squeeze every ounce of speed out of his body. Suddenly the wheat disappeared and he could see his house, burning.

Then he saw the armored men. They were dressed in tough, leather armor, studded with bits of metal, some had thin, chainmail vests over the leather. They were all laughing and on a few of their swords was dark smears of blood. Lying at their feet was a man and woman, their bodies soaked in their own blood.

“Mother! Father!” screamed the youth in anguish and rage.

Suddenly the youth expanded out, his skin turned into scales, wings jutted out from his back, his neck elongated and a tail snaked out. Claws sprang from his hands and feet, teeth turned sharp and long, like daggers. When he finished a fifty foot long dragon stood in his place, with blood red scales and a gold underbelly, the eyes were orbs of pure black. The dragon roared.

The soldiers were caught by surprise and the dragon killed four with the first swipe of his powerful claws, sending sprays of blood into the air. The remaining six soldier rushed, swinging their swords with their jagged edges. He killed three more with another swipe of his claws and three bodies with horrendous gashes in their chests fell to the ground. The dragon barely felt the sword the hit his side, the strong metal barely pierced his scales, brining a little, crimson blood. He turned and killed the soldier with his claws.

The last two soldiers turned to run. The dragon leaped up and came down on the soldier farthest from him, his weight crushing the armor and the man as if it were nothing. The last soldier screamed briefly before the dragon’s jaw crashed his chest, warm blood filling the dragons mouth. It dropped the body and ripped away the armor and started to eat the soft innards of the man.

Sated, the dragon reverted back to the youth, who stumbled wearily to his parents. He knelt beside them and started to cry, his side throbbed with pain from the soldiers cut and blood was soaking the linen shirt his mother had made for him only a week ago. He kissed her brow and stood. The wind changed and he caught the sent of humans approaching him behind, the air heavy with the scent of their fear.

He turned to find the people from the nearby village their, a look of disgust on their faces, a few were retching. A man with white hair and beard stepped out from the crowd.

“Jornan,” the man said. “What has happened here?”

“Dragonslayers,” Jornan said, spitting.

“Jornan,” the man said sadly. “Did they kill the dragon? Avenge your parents?”

Jornan shock his head. “I’m the dragon,” he said, softly.

At that statement, the white hair man backed away. “Go away, dragon!” he yelled. “Leave us! Never return to Whitba village.”

“But elder,” Jornan protested. “It’s me, Jornan. You’ve known me for almost all my life.”

“Leave us, dragonspawn, or we will send out word and summon more dragonslayers to come,” the elder said.

He stared at them, and for a moment every man there thought that they would be killed by Jornan’s stare alone, so much was the hatred in his eyes. Then Jornan turned and went back to his parents and took the dagger that was tucked into his fathers belt and the blue kerchief that was tied in his mothers hair, and walked away down the road.


Xchithlak awoke suddenly, sitting up right in the his bed furs, his body drenched in sweat form the nightmare. He laid back down, pulling the furs around him, staring up at the canvas roof of his tent. It amazed him, sometimes, that the day, five years ago, still haunted him and gave him nightmares. He sighed and tried to go back to sleep.

Chapter 2

Xchithlak crept silently throw the thick underbrush, his leather boots stepped carefully so that no leaves rustled or twigs snapped. He wore leather armor, his pants tucked into his stiff boots. Strapped to his back was a bastard sword with a jagged edge. In his left had he held a longbow, in his right hand he held an arrow knocked on the waxed string of the bow.

He bent down and examined the droppings in front of him, picking up one of the pellets and mashing it up. It was soft, only a few minutes fresh. He smiled and licked his lips in anticipation of the taste of deer. He continued on, moving very slowly, seeming to blend into the background.

Then the brush gave way to a clearing. In the center was a large buck, grazing in the meadow, eating the grass, brushing away the brown leaves that had fallen to the ground. It was autumn now, just over a week since the autumn equinox, a day of celebration in most parts of Doloia.

He smiled, then, the hunt was soon to end. He slowly drew the bow, the fletching of the arrow tickled his cheek. He carefully sighted down the shaft of the arrow. He was waiting only for the buck to turn ever so slightly to allow him a clean shot at the buck’s side.

The wind shifted and the air was suddenly filled with the scent of unwashed men. The buck smelled the smell and quickly bounded away. Xchithlak cursed and stood, unlimbering his bow and drawing his sword. If he could not eat deer, then he would settle for unwashed peasants.

He quickly moved in the direction the smell emanated, moving quickly and quietly. As he moved closer, he heard the sound of fighting. Suddenly the forest stopped and he was on a hard-packed, well used dirt road. He turned to his left to see ten horsemen be attacked by some twenty peasants carrying rusty weapons.

He yelled and rushed into the melee, his sword ripping through the bodies of the highway men like a hot knife through butter. They screamed as they died and he found satisfaction in that. He swung his sword again, cleaving anthers skull, spraying blood and bits of bones and brain every where. He whirled around and swung again and again until the peasants were either dead or running away.

He looked to the horseman, all but one of the seven remaining were dressed in heavy chainmail with blue tabards over them and broadswords in their hand. The last, obviously a nobleman, was robust looking man though with an expanding waist line that came with middle age and was dressed in a fine doublet and hose of dark blue, in his hands he held a slim rapier stained with blood.

“My thanks,” the nobleman said. “I am Lord Norl’na of Kosh.”

“Jornan, dragonslayer, Lord Norl’na,” Xchithlak answered.

“We were fortunate that a dragonslayer was nearby to come to our aid,” Norl’na said.

“I was hunting my dinner when these scum scarred off my prey. I came for vengeance.”

Norl’na was taken aback. “Still, my thanks. Will you come to my castle? I will promise you the finest meal in these areas and a soft bed for tonight.”

“Of course, my Lord,” Xchithlak replied. “I must get my gear.”

“Of course, you may,” Lord Norl’na said. “We will await you here.”

Xchithlak wiped off the sticky blood from his blade, sheathed it, and turned and ran into the woods. He paused for a moment, searching the ground for signs of one of the fleeing robbers. He saw foot prints running into the forest and quickly followed. He ran for five minutes until he came across the robber panting on a log.

Without even slowing, he pulled out his father’s dagger and threw it as hard as he could. The man tried to scream, but the dagger hit his throat, severing his larynx. He stood their, blood running down his body. Xchithlak tackled him and pulled out his dagger and slit open the man’s belly. He reached in and pulled out the soft organs and quickly started to eat them.


Lord Norl’na was growing impatient. The dragonslayer had left fifteen minutes ago and still had not returned. He cursed under his breath and was about to tell his men that they were leaving when Xchithlak stepped out of the woods, a packframe on his back with bed furs tied to the bottom.

“What took you so long!” demanded the Lord.

“I had something else to attend to, my Lord,” he answered stiffly.

“And that was?”

Xchithlak shrugged. “Nothing of any importance, Lord Norl’na. Shall we go to Kosh or stand here asking questions?”

“Then,” Lord Norl’na said, “let us depart.”

It took them several hours to reach the castle Kosh and the sun was quickly reaching the horizon. The castle was a central keep that rose four stories off the ground and was surmounted by round towers on each of the four corners of the building. Around the keep were two walls space fifty yards apart. The only way in or out of the castle was a massive gatehouse with heavy, iron bound oak doors and a metal portcullis.

They entered the first gatehouse and the soldiers closed the door behind them and lowered the portcullis. Inside the gatehouse was a small area and the low ceiling, to low to ride in, was pierced by murder holes. They entered the outer bailey and several grooms took their horses and they passed through the inner curtain wall, through an identical gate house, and into the inner bailey.

Waiting for them in front of the keep was a beautiful young woman, around the age of seventeen. To Xchithlak, she was the most beautiful women he had ever seen. She was pale, with long, golden blonde hair. Her figure was slim with round hips and large, bountiful breasts that moved up and down underneath the lavender dress she wore as she breathed. But, too Xchithlak, the most startling and alluring thing about her was the fact that she was a dragon. When their eyes met, a look of startlement appeared on her face and then she smiled ever so slightly.

“My adopted daughter, Trici,” Norl’na said, seeing Xchithlak looks. “Do not even think of touching her or I’ll have your balls and your head.”

“Of course, my Lord,” Xchithlak said. “She is a beautiful. . .woman.”

When Trici saw Xchithlak, she was stunned to see another of her kind, and was very pleased. As he moved closer she felt her nipples harden and her vagina moisten between her legs as her orgasm started to build. He then knelt before her and took her slim hand, his touch causing a mini-orgasm and when his lips touched her knuckles in a gentle kiss, she could barely stifle the sigh of pleasure as her orgasm happened and warm fluids ran down her inner thighs.

“My Lady,” he said softly.

“And who is our guest, this evening father,” Trici asked, trying to sound disinterested.

“A man who helped us out when we were ambushed, my dear,” Norl’na replied. “Jornan. A dragonslayer.”

Xchithlak saw fear in her eyes as her father swept past her. He stood up. “I will explain later, dragoness,” he whispered, to quiet for any human to hear, the he said louder, “May I escort you, my Lady.”

“Of course, honored guest,” she answered, giving him her arm, his touch sending a surge of pleasure through out her body that ended at her hardened nipples and wet vagina.

They walked through the smoky hallways of undressed stone walls, following Lord Norl’na. He lead them upstairs and into a large dining hall that had several long tables arranged in a rectangle and was decorated with animal hides and skulls with horns and antlers.

Norl’na introduced him to his only son Keln’nor and his pregnant wife Ishi, who sat their stroking her round stomach, and, so Xchithlak was told by the proud father Keln’nor, that she was due in a week or so. Xchithlak was then seated to the right of Norl’na and was disappointed that he was not sitting next to Trici.

For both Trici and Xchithlak, the dinner dragged on and on. Xchithlak had to muster all of his self control just to keep from ripping him to piece right then and there. Finally, after Norl’na had drank himself unconscious, he asked a serving wench to direct him to his room.


Xchithlak dozed for an hour or so when the door to his room slowly opened and a shadowy figure entered the room. He did not have to open his eyes but he knew who it was by the scent of the person.

“Trici,” he whispered, opening his eyes. Even though it was dark he could see her clearly in he darkness as if it were day. He breathed in deeply and could smell her desire.

“Did I awake you,” she asked, moving to his bed.

“No, beautiful,” he said. “I’ve been expecting you. What is your true name?”

“Ckthakischikys,” she answered.

“Ckthakischikys,” he repeated softly. “I am Xchithlak.”

“I’ve. . .” she paused and took a deep breath, “I’ve come to ask you if I could go with you… as your mate.”

He took her hand and kissed her fingers, causing a mini orgasm to wet her vaginal lips. “I would love to be your mate.”

Their lips met in a passionate kiss and his tongue gently probed her mouth. He groped her breasts through the thin fabric of her dress as she straddled his waists, her hands moving her skirt out of the way. She sat up, then, and slid down onto his hard shaft.

He groaned in pleasure as she sighed, his penis penetrating the tight, unused vagina, filled with hot liquids. She rose up and came down, sighing with each movement. She went faster and faster, his hands squeezed her legs. As they reached their climaxes, their minds joined together and became one as their bodies were one, and they experienced something that know human ever could. They were both crying out as his semen exploded into her, triggering her own powerful orgasm, the muscle contractions causing her back to arch in pleasure. She moved a couple of more times then stopped and laid down on top of him, gently kissing him.

“We have to leave now,” she said regretfully. “I know a way out of the castle and the sooner we leave the longer head start we have.”

Chapter 3

Ckthakischikys slowly got off of Xchithlak, sighing slightly in pleasure and slightly in regret as his semi-relaxed member slid out of her sensitive vagina. She caressed his face and the kissed him, her tongue lightly probing his mouth, his hands encircled her slim waist.

“You’re going to have to change your dress,” Xchithlak said against her lips.

“I know,” she answered, then pulled away.

She unlaced her dress and it slid slowly down her body, catching slightly at her round hips. Xchithlak smiled at the sight of her large, plump breasts with their large, erect nipples. His eyes traveled down, seeing her hips and muscular thigh, the profile of her round buttocks, and the fleece of blonde pubic hair that formed a triangular patch and disappeared between her thighs.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said, standing and moving to her. He wrapped his arms around her, her own limbs entwined around his waist and he felt her hot body pressing hard against his, hardening his penis which rested on her smooth, flat stomach. “I’ve not smiled in five years, thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she said, and kissed him passionately. He started to pick her up and carry her to the bed. “No, no,” she said. “We have to leave.”

He sighed. “I can’t help myself,” he leered.

She smiled and kissed him again before slipping out of his embrace. She bent down before a packframe she had brought with her and dug around in it then pulled out a simple gray dress that she had gotten from her maid. As she pulled it on she looked at him for a moment.

“I love you,” she said suddenly.

“I. . .guess I love you too,” he said.

“You guess!” she demanded angrily.

He moved to her, and caressed her face. “Ckthakischikys, I love you.” Then he kissed her on the lips, tasting her saliva. “I love you my mate.”

Xchithlak pulled on his brown hose, leather boots, and leather armor, buckled on his belt, strapped on his bastard sword to his back, and sheathed his knife in his belt. He turned to see Ckthakischikys in her dress, a dagger in her belt that cinched her waist and he could see the hilt of another protruding from between her breasts.

“Shall we,” he asked as he drew his sword. She nodded and they moved to the door.

They entered the dark corridors, though they could see fine, and Ckthakischikys lead them without any hesitation. They moved quietly through the slumbering keep. They turned the corner to find a guard in black livery their. The guard saw them and froze in surprise.

Xchithlak’s sword slid out of his scabbard making a chilling sound. In one motion he held it over his. The guard realized what was about to happened and raised his arm up to ward off the blow. Xchithlak’s sword came down, cleaving through the man’s arm and into his head, splitting it open like a melon. He wiped his sword off then sheathed it and started to walk down the corridor, then realized that Ckthakischikys wasn’t.

“Love,” he whispered. “Come on.”

She move to him, shaken. “You just killed him. And you were calm.”

He shrugged. “He was just a human.”

“What made you so cold, my mate?” she asked him, touching his face.

He turned away. “We have to get out of the castle before the body is found.”

She nodded and continued leading them through the castle. When they reached a corner she moved carefully up to the edge, Xchithlak pressing up against her. She peeked around the corner and sighed in relief seeing no guards. She turned back around to see a man dressed in black right behind Xchithlak, a sword raised above his head.

She quickly pushed Xchithlak to the side and leaped at the man, her fingernails raked his face. She drew back her fist and hit him on the nose. He flew back five feat, the front of his face was caved in, brain oozing out of the cracks. Ckthakischikys stood their stunned at what she did.

Xchithlak moved to the body. “Dragonslayer. He must’ve recognized me.”

“I-I killed him,” she said. “I’ve never killed before.”

He moved to her, hugged her and kissed her. “He would have killed us.”

“I know,” she whispered. “The secret passage is in my fathers study, just around the corner.”

He nodded. They turned the corner and reached the oak door that led to her fathers study. It was locked but Xchithlak tore the door off it’s hinges. She lead him to the back wall. She pulled an iron spike in the wall which released the locking mechanism.

“My father knows I know about this. But he doesn’t think I can open it. It takes four human men to open.” She found the edge of the door and pulled it open. The passage way was pitch black and led down ward at an incline. “It leads out into the Calth Forest on the west side of the keep.”

After they entered the corridor, Xchithlak shut the door behind them then broke the locking mechanism, jamming the door shut. As they walked down the near pitch black corridor, which even they had trouble seeing in, Xchithlak asked her a question.

“How did you become Norl’na’s adopted daughter?”

She paused. “My parents. My father was Tlackarz and my mother was Shixzivonathcky. I was two years old. I hardly remember them. My parents sheltered the night here. Norl’na coveted my mother. When she refused. He executed my father. He did not resist because if they knew he was a dragon both my mother and me would die. She went insane and tried to kill the king with her bare hands. A dragonslayer was their and he shot my mother with an arrow. I can still see it.” She paused as tears started to roll down her face. Xchithlak wrapped on arm around her. “He took pity on me and raised me as his daughter. I pretended to not remember what happened. I’ve wanted to kill him for years. But I couldn’t, not without revealing that I’m a dragon myself.”

“I’m sorry,” Xchithlak said. “I now have another reason to hate humans.”

“I asked earlier about what happened to make you so cold. Will you tell me.”

“I was sixteen. It was five years ago. My parents settled in the Village of Whitba shortly after I hatched. I was happy their. I had friends. The villagers didn’t suspect what we really were. I was fishing that day. Caught three fish. I though mother would be so proud of me. I entered my parents farm when I noticed the hut we lived in was on fire. Dragon slayer were their and my parents were lying dead in front of them.” He paused. “I killed the dragon slayers. Ever since then I’ve wandered the world, pretending that I was a dragon slayer so I could protect our people. I’ve not felt any feelings until today, when I met you.”

They continued through the dark, damp tunnel in silence. Soon the tunnel widened then curved sharply to the left. Xchithlak and Ckthakischikys were growing weariy of the tunnel when it turned and ended abruptly, opening into the Calth Forest, a large forest made up of tall evergreens.

And that’s is as much as I ever wrote on this. I have notes a storyline:

Chapter 1:

-Youth, 16, tall sknny, brown hair wearing peasants clothing. Walking on dirt road. Whistling. Fishing pool in one hand 3 fish in the other. Then go down side lane. See hut bruining Soldiers in black armor. A man and woman dead. Screams mother father. Turns into red dragon, gold belly. Kills soldiers. Revert. Sad. Villagers come. Drive him off (village of Whitba).

-Xchithlak awakes suddenly in tent. That day haunts him 5 years later. Lies down tries to sleep.

Chapter 2:

-Xchithlak hunging, bow, leather armor w/ studs. Sword. Deer bolts. Hears sounds of battle. Findsarmed men ambushed by peasants. Fights. Saves Lord Norl’na of Kosh. Norl’na thanks him. He said they scared deer. Offerrs him shelter fo night. Agrees. REturn to Kosh. Meet Trici, adopted daughter of Norl’na. She is dragon. Blonde, busom, beautiful. Lavender dress. Meet Lord Keln’Nor and wife.

-Midnight. Xchihtlak awaked by Trici. Talk she says shes unmated. He says same. Says real name is Ckthakischikys. Straddles him. Rides him. Says she knows a way out of here.

Chapter 3:

-C. and X. gete dressed, she in gray dress. Make their way through corridors. X. kills gaurd w/ sword. UNcaring. Says just human. Continue. She hits gaurd in face. Dead. Enter father study. Open secret passae. Passage opens up in Great Calth Forest on West side. In Passage she tells about how Norl’na killed her parents Tlackarz and Shixivonathcky and how he rasied her. She says always wanted to kill him. but that would reveal her. Ask aabout him. Says 5 years ago Dragon slayers attacked Avoznikthin and Tslanzaviktha. He’s been wandering ever since. He then says they will go to Lake Sha deep in forests.

Chapter 4:

-Takes 15 days to get their. There they mate. Hide awile from her adopted father. Spend 5 days their. Fly, hunt, mate. Meet a Nymph who knows X. She is mated know. Her name is Kiki her mate is Ner.

Chapter 5:

-Go to Sevix. Takes 14 days. In a tavern. Drink and talk about how good fucking human feamels was. Make out. Captain Tolnin (sent by Lord Norl’na to find them) trutring to Kosh, enter Tavern and finds them> C. says to go. Seperated. X chained and taken to Koth next morning. Reach evening. Taken to Lord Norl’na. Lord N. sentences x. to death. C. turns into dragon.

Chapter 6:

-Chaos. She kills some men. X. turns into one. Kills some more. Dragon slayer hits X with an arrow. Hurt. C. kills slayer then Norl’na and she and X. fly off. Short distance and he collapses. SHe pulls out arrow and flys to lake Sha. Makes camp dawn. He is dying. She is said. Then two elves, one male one pregant female, appears.

Chapter 7:

-Elves are Oososhxinaromi’eth (Ooso) and his pregnant wife Eearotilada’nevi (Eearo). Eearo says she is healer. Heals him. Says he will be in healing sleep> Then says C. is a month pregnant. C. flys off to get two humans for her and X. to eat.

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