Tag Archives: Erotic Fairytale

How Hot Is…’The Ravashing of Beauty’

How hot is… ‘The Ravishing of Beauty’?

by Jessica Satin

reviewed by Reed James

41ahyuk2Y-L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-v3-big,TopRight,0,-55_SX278_SY278_PIkin4,BottomRight,1,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_The Ravishing of Beauty is an erotic retelling of Beauty and the Beast. It starts with Belle locked in a dungeon, a prelude to her beast ravishing her. But her beast has already returned to human form, mostly, and as she waits in the cold dungeon, growing more excited for her love, she begins to remember their first time. She had been in the library masturbating to erotic poetry, growing more and more excited.

When the beast had found her, he had been unable to resist taking her. Belle gets off on his strength and being taken hard by the bestial man. She even enjoys his claws scratching her flesh, dripping blood down her skin. When the Beast finishes, he gently tends to her wounds. The story interweaves between the present and the past, showing how Belle had come to fully love her beast. If you’ve seen a certain, animated version of the tale, then you’ll see many of those scenes retold.

Jessica Satin has a charged style, squeezing eroticism from all her words. The scenes flow well, moving from encounters to encounter, delving into the psyche of Belle as she savors her Beast’s rough love, delighting in the pain and scars he leaves her. This story has some extreme moments, including blood play, but the eroticism is ever present.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 rose ropes. At $2.99 ‘The Ravishing of Beauty’ will give your eReader’s a taste of bestial passion!

Available from Amazon, and check out Jessica Satin’s Amazon Author Page to see her catalog of exciting books and follow her on twitter @JessicaSatin.

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